K 10 x x
K x
| |
| me
Q 9
10 x x x
When declarer ruffs her losing club in dummy high with the king, what should I discard? If I pitch my spade, dummy's ten is high; declarer can then pick up trumps by finessing against my ten, a marked finesse as my partner couldn't overruff her on the third round of spades we played earlier. If I pitch a heart, declarer will pick up trumps as before and drop my now unguarded queen of hearts; I must have that card as on an earlier round of that suit declarer’s jack forced my partner’s ace.
So by process of elimination, I discard a trump, underruffing the K of diamonds! I suppose I could have predicted my partner's next comment, which I still find humorous to this day:
“Uh, what’s trumps again?”
The point is that by discarding a trump, I now maintain both my major suit guards. Since I discard after dummy, I can not be squeezed if declarer runs out all her trumps. In the endgame, I simply pitch whichever major declarer discards from dummy. It only prevents an overtrick but it felt great -- a play you only make maybe once in a lifetime. Here's the whole hand: